I am not ashamed of the Gospel. What about you? ~Phil Robertson


March 3, 2023

Phil Is the New Elvis, Jase Witnesses a Plague & Missy Has to Check Him for Ticks | Ep 641

Phil teased listeners recently with a plan to do something at an event he’d never done before. He now reveals exactly what it was! Jase laments his odd link to Elvis and how it scarred him as a kid. The “Duck Family Treasure” crew got more than they bargained for…

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March 2, 2023

Jase Robertson: SPEAK UP About Jesus!

Jase Robertson has one thing to say to Christians: SPEAK UP about Jesus! #jaserobertson #philrobertson #shorts ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you don't miss a single episode! ▶️ Watch episodes of Unashamed with Phil & Jase Robertson:…

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March 1, 2023

Phil & Jase Robertson Are In Awe of Martyrs for the faith

Phil & Jase Robertson are amazed at how martyrs for the faith weren't fazed in their last moments on earth — because they knew where they were about to be and who they were about to see! #shorts #philrobertson #jaserobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔…

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March 1, 2023

Phil’s Sermon to Drunk Cajuns Launched His Career & Jase’s Little League Confrontation | Ep 640

Phil once shocked the Superdome, packed with inebriated South Louisianians, with a gospel sermon. He didn’t know it, but that episode launched his speaking career! Jase’s heart for children led him to a confrontation with a Little League coach back in the day. The guys explore the nature of —…

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Feb. 27, 2023

Jase Robertson Has a BIG Announcement!

Jase Robertson is excited to announce some BIG news for his family — another 'Silas!' #jaserobertson #shorts #philrobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you don't miss a single episode! ▶️ Watch episodes of Unashamed with Phil &…

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Feb. 27, 2023

Jase Can’t Believe How 'Duck Dynasty' Came to Be & What Scared the Heck Outta Phil | Ep 639

Phil and Jase think it’s silly that a few duck hunters who love Jesus could be so famous. Phil reveals something that frightened him and made him feel unworthy. The guys urge people to use their talents for sharing Jesus and discuss the role of eldership in the church and…

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Feb. 26, 2023

Jase Accuses Zach of Bad Etiquette & Phil Wishes People Would Just Act Right | Ep 638

Jase and Al pass on some misplaced sympathy for Zach from a kind-hearted fan. But he’s more than willing to play the victim for once! Jase is bewildered by Zach’s phone etiquette … or lack thereof. Phil admonishes people to do good because they are saved, instead of trying to…

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Feb. 24, 2023

Jase Abandoned Jep in Texas with No Way Home & the Treasure Hunt That Never Happened | Ep 637

Jase’s latest foray into "Duck Family Treasure" goes horribly awry when Jep comes down with … something unexplained. But Jase and crew weren't having it! Phil just wants people to do good for others. The guys discuss “revivals” and what they should include to be considered such. The concept of…

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Feb. 23, 2023

Jase Robertson: Death Will Be Swallowed UP In Victory!

Jase Robertson reminds us that death is swallowed up in victory for believers in Christ, and Phil Robertson reminds Jase what he should do when his dad dies. #shorts #philrobertson #jaserobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you…

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Feb. 22, 2023

Jase's Strategy for Avoiding Lusty Women & Phil Was Glad to be Persecuted | Ep 636

Phil gives some insight into the struggle he experienced being in the public eye. Jase was married as a virgin and remains committed to Missy – he even has a formula to keep other women away! Zach let the public in on the wild days he and Jep went through…

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Feb. 21, 2023

Jase Robertson HATES How Men Are Depicted on TV

Jase Robertson can't stand the way men are depicted on TV. #shorts #jaserobertson #philrobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you don't miss a single episode! ▶️ Watch episodes of Unashamed with Phil & Jase Robertson: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq-7FtTrZJBekP3ogyyXvl05aegDr5mHI ▶️…

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Feb. 20, 2023

Phil Robertson: Being Single Is Cheaper!

Phil Robertson has one thing to say about being single: It saves money! And it's okay if you don't ever marry! #shorts #philrobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you don't miss a single episode! ▶️ Watch episodes…

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Feb. 20, 2023

Phil’s Valentine’s Day Surprise for Miss Kay & Jase's Toughest Year | Ep 635

Phil, Jase, and the guys ponder St. Valentine, showing love to their women, and how much is too much? Jase and Missy have had a tough year as foster parents, and Jesus sets up the ideal for intimacy in marriage relationships. The guys debate suffering and its refining effects on…

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Feb. 19, 2023

Jase Put a Wrestling Move on His Neighbor & Crazy Places to Baptize Folks | Ep 634

Jase has an embarrassing story about accidentally wrestling his next-door neighbor and entertains Phil with stories of crazy places he’s performed baptisms. The guys explore what the Bible says about certain kinds of justice, and Jase applies a poignant illustration about doing what feels good. Al reiterates the story of…

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Feb. 18, 2023

Jase Robertson's New Bumper Sticker Idea

Phil Robertson has a request: Cover those butts! And Jase has a new idea for a bumper sticker. #shorts #philrobertson #jaserobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you don't miss a single episode! ▶️ Watch episodes of Unashamed…

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Feb. 17, 2023

Uncle Si & Jase’s Super Bowl Commercial Fame & Jase’s Religious Beef Stew Experience | Ep 633

Jase gushes about the best food he’s ever eaten in his life, but the guys aren’t impressed! Uncle Si and "Duck Family Treasure" made the Super Bowl coverage, and Jase remembers the time he cooked breakfast for Tim Tebow. Phil explains how Christians should react when they are faced with…

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Feb. 16, 2023

Phil Robertson: When I Die, Don't Cry!

Phil Robertson's second back surgery had him thinking about when he's no longer on this earth and he has one simple request when he dies: don't cry! #shorts #philrobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you don't miss…

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Feb. 15, 2023

'Duck Dynasty' Fame Was Too Much for Jase & His Plan for the Chinese Spy Balloon Problem | Ep 632

A debate about the best Western movie ever made leads Phil and Jase to reminisce about their time on "Duck Dynasty" and their experience with “Hollywood.” Jase thinks he’s got a solution to all the “spy balloon” drama, and Al is confronted at church by a former "Duck Dynasty" filming…

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Feb. 14, 2023

How Do Jase & Missy Robertson Celebrate Valentine's Day?

Jase and Missy Robertson celebrate Valentine's Day with ... Lionel Richie?! #shorts #philrobertson #jaserobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you don't miss a single episode! ▶️ Watch episodes of Unashamed with Phil & Jase Robertson: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq-7FtTrZJBekP3ogyyXvl05aegDr5mHI ▶️…

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Feb. 13, 2023

How Do Phil & Miss Kay Robertson Celebrate Valentine's Day?

Miss Kay reveals Phil Robertson NEVER remembers Valentine's Day, but ... does it matter? #shorts #philrobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you don't miss a single episode! ▶️ Watch episodes of Unashamed with Phil & Jase Robertson:…

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Feb. 13, 2023

Phil’s Word Fumble Almost Makes Jase Pee His Pants & the Bible Verse Everyone Avoids | Ep 631

Phil got more than he bargained for watching pro football games, but he has trouble explaining it! Women, love, and marriage are on the guys' minds as they praise their wives and explore God’s plan for how husbands and wives should treat each other. Jase watched a really good movie…

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Feb. 12, 2023

Jase & Missy’s Wedding Night Didn’t Go So Well & Phil & Miss Kay’s Romantic Bedtime Habit | Ep 630

The guys and their wives dish out all the goods on their weddings, their first nights together, and some romantic habits they’ve developed since then. From lusty grooms and broken-down cars to lost wedding bands and flying candles, all the things that went wrong at these Robertson weddings are revealed!…

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Feb. 11, 2023

Jase Robertson's Cottonmouth Encounter

Jase Robertson came face-to-face with a cottonmouth in the duck blind ... and Al remembers exactly the sounds Jase made in terror. #shorts #jaserobertson #alrobertson ✅ Subscribe to the Phil Robertson YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3RoabMr 🔔 Hit the notification bell after you subscribe so you don't miss a single episode! ▶️…

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Feb. 10, 2023

How Miss Kay Got Through Phil’s Wild Years & Missy Agrees That Jase 'Could Be Wrong' | Ep 629

Miss Kay, Missy, Lisa, and Jill come on to spill some juicy details about their marriages! The couples reveal some hardships they’ve faced over the years and why many of their parents didn’t want them getting married in the first place. Phil and Miss Kay get real about how their…

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