Jase and Uncle Si tell the truth about what happened while filming a famous “Duck Dynasty” holiday special at the local news station, and Jase unwittingly wears a woman’s scarf into the duck blind, which his hunting buddies were quick to point out. The guys give an overview of the themes found in the book of John, including the oneness of God and the differences between the Jewish and Gentile understanding of Jesus as the Messiah.

In this episode: John 1, verses 1-5; John 1, verses 11-12; John 10, verses 30-38; John 17, verses 11 & 23; Hebrews 1, verse 3; Genesis 1, verses 1-3

“Unashamed” Episode 1019 is sponsored by:

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▶️ Watch episodes of Unashamed with the Robertson Family:


▶️ How Phil Robertson Met His Daughter:

▶️ Phil Robertson's Daughter Opens Up About Meeting Her Dad:

▶️ The Drive-By Shooting on Willie Robertson's Property: https://youtu.be/tDTKfEyJFXg

▶️ See how Jase Robertson became unashamed: https://youtu.be/1IFln-p5UVY

▶️ Check out Willie, Jase & Al's redneck childhood: https://youtu.be/fk4gp0GEQ1Q

▶️ Watch Uncle Si on the "Unashamed" podcast! https://youtu.be/iUMg9F68QZA


🦆 About Unashamed with the Robertson Family:

Duck Commander #PhilRobertson, Al, Jase, Zach and their special guests go beyond the four walls of the church to share God's Word and study the Bible with you. So pour a glass of tea, and experience fun and inspiring stories of faith and family, straight from Louisiana.

Missing Duck Dynasty? Phil Robertson, Jase Robertson, Al Robertson, Zach Dasher, and more are here to share hilarious stories, laughs, and real talk about Jesus, the Gospel, and the Bible.