Lately, I have thought several times about giving up. My faith in GOD and you guys have helped me defeat the thoughts and know I have a much greater purpose here. I battled breast cancer in 2022 at the age of 44. By GOD’s grace and mercy, I am still here. I met my best friend that year and we ultimately started dating. Three years later, we are here and I feel like we are living Ms Kay’s and Mr Phil’s early life together. Jonathan is a good man, but Satan has a grip on him via alcohol. When he drinks, he becomes someone I don’t even know. I love him so much and pray for him all the time. As Ms Jan said about Mr Phil, I know that if Jonathan ever surrenders to GOD and confesses his sin and ask GOD to forgive him of his sins, that GOD will work through him and many more will come to GOD. I ask that you guys please join me in prayer for Jonathan. I believe that where two or three are gathered and pray that GOD can and will hear our prayers and will move in a mighty way. I am in no way a perfect person or Christian, I fail GOD daily; however, I know to whom I belong! I would love to take my Daddy to meet you all sometime, he is a retired NC State Highway Patrolman. Between my Daddy, Uncle’s and cousin’s, I do believe we are NC version of you all….just with the last name “Smith” lol. We all believe in GOD!
Jace, I just went back and rewatched “I still believe” and you are correct it is a moving movie…. A whole box of Kleenex’s later and I am reminded once again to “Still Believe”. Your sister in Christ, Amanda Hope Smith
PS: if I don’t meet you all this side of Glory, I will see yall in the sky when the “roll is called up yonder”